Provenance: Commissioned by the College in 1809
Exhibited: ‘Below Stairs: 400 years of servants’ portraits’, National Portrait Gallery, London and Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, 2003-2004
Literature: H.C. Adams, Wykehamica: a history of Winchester College and Commoners (Oxford, 1878), p. 42; T.F. Kirby, Annals of Winchester College (London, 1892), pp. 39-41; The Wykehamist, Vol. XII, No. 583, 1919; The Wykehamist, Vol. XIV, No. 652, 1924; Winchester Archaeological Society, Winchester College: its history, buildings and customs (Winchester, 1926), pp. 158-59; J.D’E. Firth, Winchester College (London, 1949), p. 22; Barbara Carpenter Turner, ‘A notable family of artists: the Caves of Winchester’, Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, vol 22 (1961), pp. 30-34; G. Waterfield, A. French and M. Craske, Below Stairs: 400 years of servants’ portraits (London, 2003), pp. 9, 79, 196
Location: Trusty Servant Passage